From 1st September 2017, all eligible Singaporeans and PRs can enjoy enhanced subsidies for selected health screening services and one post-screening consultation as part of the Singapore government’s efforts to encourage health screening. This nation-wide subsidised health screening programme is being rolled out as the Screen for Life programme. Mutual Healthcare is pleased to announce that we will be taking part in the Screen for Life programme.
70 Punggol Central, Punggol MRT #01-07 Singapore 828868 Tel: 6384 6605 |
Blk 106A Punggol Field #01-546 Singapore 821106 Tel: 6315 5036 |
Blk 205A Compassvale Lane #01-53 Singapore 541205 Tel: 6547 3593 |
Blk 319B Anchorvale Drive #01-92 Singapore 542319 Tel: 6489 3833 |
Your eligibility depends on your age and gender as below:
- Cardiovascular risk screening – Men and women aged 40 years and above
- Cervical cancer screening – Women 25 years and above
- Colorectal cancer screening – Men and women 50 years and above
Your eligibility also depends on when your last screening visit was and whether you had been diagnosed with chronic diseases or selected cancers (breast, cervical and colorectal) before.
Screening Tests
- Cardiovascular risk screening – Body Mass Index (BMI), Blood Pressure Measurement, Fasting Blood Glucose, Fasting Lipid Profile
- Cervical cancer screening – Pap Test
- Colorectal cancer screening – Faecal Immunochemical Stool Test (FIT)
Fasting blood tests will require a 10-hour fast the night before. Only plain water can be consumed.
Pap test is to be done 2 weeks from the start of menses.
FIT is done via self-collection of stool sample at home. 2 stool samples are collected over 2 different days, not more than 2 weeks apart, for accurate results. The stool samples will be mailed directly to the appointed laboratories using the Business Reply Service envelopes provided in the FIT pack. Instructions of how to collect and submit the stool samples will be provided during consultation.
The SFL programme is highly subsidised by the government. As such, Singaporeans and PRs only need to pay $5.00 for all the eligible tests. CHAS card holders only pay $2.00. And PG card holders can do the eligible tests for FREE. All health screening tests will be accompanied by a complimentary doctor’s follow-up consultation to explain the results and advise on the necessary actions.
The above fees are for Singaporeans only. For PRs and non-Singaporeans, please call to enquire for fees.
Enhanced Screen
In line with the government subsidies, Mutual Healthcare is also providing the option of performing additional health screening tests at a promotional price. By topping up $40 or $98, you can upgrade your basic blood screen to one of 2 comprehensive health screen packages.
Taking charge of your own health is everybody’s responsibility. By going for regular health screening, you can understand the status of your health and identify any health issues early. Do not wait until signs and symptoms of ill health appear, as many health complications are often irreversible. Call us and make an appointment now.
70 Punggol Central, Punggol MRT #01-07 Singapore 828868 Tel: 6384 6605 |
Blk 205A Compassvale Lane #01-53 Singapore 541205 Tel: 6547 3593 |
Blk 106A Punggol Field #01-546 Singapore 821106 Tel: 6315 5036 |
Blk 319B Anchorvale Drive #01-92 Singapore 542319 Tel: 6489 3833 |